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Endoscopy Specialist

Ishwari Prasad, MD, PhD, PA

Gastroenterologist located in Tampa, FL & Brandon, FL

If you have symptoms of a gastrointestinal problem, such as difficulty swallowing, gas, bloating, or heartburn, Ishwari Prasad, MD, PhD, PA, may be able to help. He offers endoscopy procedures to obtain in-depth views of your upper digestive tract and detect or rule out problems. To learn more about endoscopy procedures, schedule an appointment with Ishwari Prasad, MD, PhD, PA in Tampa or Brandon, Florida, by phone or online today.

Endoscopy Q&A

What is an endoscopy?

Endoscopy is a common procedure that Dr. Prasad uses to look inside your upper digestive tract using a tiny camera and a long, flexible tube. He can view your esophagus, stomach, and the first part of your small intestine using this procedure. 

Capsule endoscopy is a diagnostic test in which you swallow a pill with a camera inside. It takes pictures of your digestive tract as it travels.

Why might I need an endoscopy?

Dr. Prasad might suggest an endoscopy if you have symptoms of a digestive tract problem, such as:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Anemia
  • Inflammation
  • Digestive cancers

Sometimes, Dr. Prasad combines endoscopy with an ultrasound to create detailed images of your digestive tract.

During endoscopy procedures, he can pass surgical tools through an endoscope to treat some GI problems, such as bleeding, polyps, or a narrow esophagus.

Is an endoscopy right for me?

Dr. Prasad lets you know if you’re a candidate for endoscopy after reviewing your symptoms and medical history. He also checks your vital signs, completes a physical exam, and may recommend blood tests (such as imaging procedures or other diagnostic tests).

How should I prepare for an endoscopy?

To get ready for your endoscopy, it’s important to follow Dr. Prasad’s instructions. Don’t eat or drink anything the morning of your scheduled procedure, stop taking certain medications if Dr. Prasad requests it of you, and arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure. 

What should I expect during the procedure?

During an endoscopy, you relax on your back or your side on a comfortable exam table. Dr. Prasad numbs the inside of your throat and offers a sedative to help you relax. He inserts a flexible tube into your throat and down your esophagus. He uses it to take pictures, view images, take a tissue biopsy, or complete minor surgery (if necessary). 

He removes the endoscope after your procedure, which often takes about 15-30 minutes to complete. 

During a capsule endoscopy, you simply swallow a pill while Dr. Prasad monitors you and views the images it creates.

What happens after an endoscopy?

After the procedure, you rest in a recovery area for about an hour. It’s also important to have someone drive you home and stay with you.

You may experience temporary bloating, gas, or a sore throat. Get plenty of rest, and take the remainder of the day off from work. Dr. Prasad reviews the results of your endoscopy with you and lets you know if you need further diagnostic testing or treatment. 

To learn more about endoscopy procedures, schedule an appointment with Ishwari Prasad, MD, PhD, PA in Tampa or Brandon, Florida, by phone or online today.