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Colonoscopy Specialist

Ishwari Prasad, MD, PhD, PA

Gastroenterologist located in Tampa, FL & Brandon, FL

If you have lower abdominal pain, bloody stool, or changes in bowel movements, Ishwari Prasad, MD, PhD, PA, may be able to help. He offers a colonoscopy to detect or rule out problems in the lower part of your intestine. To learn more about colonoscopy procedures, schedule an appointment with Ishwari Prasad, MD, PhD, PA in Tampa or Brandon, Florida, by phone or online today.

Colonoscopy Q&A

What is a colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a procedure that Dr. Prasad uses to detect or rule out problems with your colon and rectum. 

He inserts a long, flexible tube (with a camera attached) into your rectum, allowing him to view the inside of your gastrointestinal tract and complete minor surgeries (if needed). Routine colonoscopies can detect colorectal cancer or other problems before they turn into serious complications.

Why might I need a colonoscopy?

Dr. Prasad uses colonoscopies to detect problems in your lower gastrointestinal tract, or your large intestine. You may need one if you’ve reached a certain age or have:

  • Rectal bleeding
  • Abdominal pain
  • Ongoing constipation or diarrhea
  • Other intestinal problems
  • High risk of colon cancer
  • History of colon polyps

He lets you know if you’re a candidate for a colonoscopy after discussing your medical history and symptoms with you. He also checks your vital signs, completes a physical exam, and may order blood tests, stool tests, imaging procedures, or other diagnostic tests.

How should I prepare for a colonoscopy?

To get ready for your colonoscopy, it’s important to follow Dr. Prasad’s instructions. He may ask you to stop taking certain medications, follow a special diet the day before your scheduled procedure, and use an enema or laxative to empty your colon and rectum. 

What happens during the procedure?

Before your colonoscopy procedure begins, you will need to change into a gown. Dr. Prasad and his staff then offer you a sedative to relax you, along with intravenous pain medicine, to ensure your utmost comfort during the procedure.

While you lie down on your side on a comfortable exam table, Dr. Prasad inserts a colonoscope through your rectum into your lower GI tract. He views the inside and may take pictures or a biopsy (sample of tissue for lab analysis). When necessary, he may also remove polyps or complete other surgical procedures. 

You may feel the urge to take a bowel movement or some cramping during the procedure. Colonoscopies often take about 30-60 minutes to complete.

What should I expect after my colonoscopy?

After the procedure, you rest in a recovery area. It’s also important to take the rest of the day off, have someone drive you home and stay with you. You can expect some gas or bloating for a few hours, but these side effects are temporary. You may also have some blood in your first bowel movement after a colonoscopy. These are common side effects. 

Dr. Prasad reviews the results of the colonoscopy with you and lets you know if you need further diagnostic testing or treatment.

To learn more about colonoscopy procedures, schedule an appointment with Ishwari Prasad, MD, PhD, PA in Tampa or Brandon, Florida, by phone or online today.